"I start my morning with exercise" Etwinning projesi
Sabahlarıma spor ile başlıyorum projesi okulumuzda Mavi Dünyam ve Bilginler Sınıfında uygulannaktadır.
I start my morning with exercise"
Morning exercise is one of the first elements of a child's daily routine in kindergarten. It 'awakens' the child's organism, gives them a working mood, activates the work of the heart, respiratory tract, and other organs. Sleepiness disappears in children who regularly do morning exercises. They become fresh, and their efficiency increases. Exercising has a positive effect on the muscular system, strengthens the heart, and muscle strength. In other words, it gives the child a normal vital tone and helps maintain it throughout the day. Morning exercise also has educational significance. Exercise requires a certain effort of will; therefore, it develops determination.